Monday, June 18, 2012

Goals & Day 3

I am a goal-oriented person. I like something to work towards; and I like to set goals to give myself structure, something to work towards, and something I can feel I accomplished.  But, occasionally my goals are unrealistic and I am left without the feeling of accomplishment that I need at the end of a long day.  On the other hand, if I don't set a goal or create an agenda then I feel unsure what to do next.  Does that make sense? Or did I just unload a bit of crazy?

Today begins Day 3 of my report cards -- and I am honestly not really sure where to start.  I know I need to start (like 45 minutes ago), but when faced with a nearly-overwhelming agenda it is hard to know when to start.  Do I start with the easiest to ease myself into a long day? Or should I start with what I know will be the most challenging? Decisions Decisions.

Now that I have bored you to tears and let you in on a little bit of my crazy, here is my agenda/goals for today:
  • Project Work Report Cards (reflect on student participation/effort/work with regards to Lewis and Clark unit, Oceans unit, and Inventions unit)
  • Project Work Boilerplate Language
  • Call Direct Loans (they are trying to stress me out by making my payments 5x higher)
  • Girls Coffee (people over paperwork, remember?)
  • Order Rx (helps me fight off the crazy)
Booyah. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Do the hardest, most challenging task first and get it over with. You will feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that it is all easier after that. Just saying..

    And, no, you aren't crazy -- I'm exactly the same way. Uhh... maybe I'm a little crazy too??
