Before Eric and I left for Sunriver, I felt really proud of myself -- I had successfully transitioned from Winter Break back to school/work; and I even managed to work out three times that week -- swimming, walking, and biking -- per my 1/2 marathon training schedule. I then left my kids in the hands of a very capable sub and headed to Sunriver with Eric and some great friends.
That is where things kind of fell apart ... spending four days in a beautiful house, with various forms of alcohol freely and consistently flowing, as well as delicious meals prepared by the talented (and impeccably organized) Candi ... does not inspire productivity especially when you are prone to procrastination.
I had a wonderful time -- but, got completely off track. My goal of walking a total of 7 miles was quickly cast to the wayside as I alternated between napping and reading most afternoons. This also meant that I didn't get any work done (weekends are fairly critical in terms of grading, planning, and getting organized) and Monday bitch slapped me a bit. Two hours at the doctor's office on Tuesday left me further deflated as did the (still unconfirmed) IBS or "spastic colon" and the recommendation that I drink old people juice daily (aka Metamucil). Wednesday resulted in the destructive procrastination cycle. But, today ... today was different.
After a long day of work (and additional hour from my regular schedule due to After School Support) I went to the gym and walked 3 miles, watched the news, part of a Sex and the City episode and finished a book! A book! "When You Are Engulfed in Flames" by David Sedaris that made with laugh out loud as I was trucking along.
This week as been a roller coaster; but I hope to keep this new trend up! Game on.
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