Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blue Monday

January 18th, 2010 is considered the most depressing day of the year. The good news is: at least this day is behind us -- meaning the remaining days of 2010 won't be nearly as depressing. Dr. Cliff Arnall's formula for calculating this "bleak prediction takes into account factors like post-holiday blahs and debt, failed New Year's resolutions" and the weather.

Source: "The Most Depressing Day of the Year" on MSN

Okay all that nonsense aside, I hope none of my loyal readers thought the last they heard of me was a sad little post titled "Doubt & Injury" and that I have succumbed to another New Year Resolution failure ... although last Tuesday was a bit of a reality check, that is hardly the case. I appreciate all of your kind words, suggestions and support after last week. Despite a little knee soreness, I am back at it this week with my first swimming workout Monday and ran/walked 1.25 miles on the treadmill.

On a related note, my Uncle Tom (who lives in Australia) trains triathletes to complete the running portion. He is a former track star, original Nike-wearer, and track coach. In other words, I trust his advice. His regime (for lack of a better word) is to continue using the treadmill and run at the same pace for 3 minutes, then walk for 2 minutes; then repeat this for as many time as I can. My goal is to build up to 12-15 reps and then back down the amount of time I am walking.

This seems so simple, and gives me permission to walk -- when all along I have been feeling as though that is somehow cheating or giving up. I started this regime today with success -- I completed 3 reps (1 rep = 3 min run, 2 min walk) and managed to run/walk farther than my previous workouts. Although my knee is sore, I think I could have pushed myself farther.

Thank you Uncle Tom for your words of wisdom, encouragement, support and practical advice! I hope to make you proud!

"To win without risk is to triumph without glory" -- Corneille

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